الأحد 21 يوليو 2024
رئيس مجلس الإدارة
هبة صادق
رئيس التحرير
أيمن عبد المجيد
The Egyptian experience in fighting illegal immigration

The Egyptian experience in fighting illegal immigration

Along the shores of death. In the high seas. Where migrants feelings struggle with great waves. They escape from the destiny waiting them on the land of their homes, which turned into the ruins inhabited by ghosts , or thingummy may find in it a drink of water or a piece of bread or hope in the future for their children.
On the journey of death. In the flight from the known to the thingummy , Flooded bodies float on the surface of the water to reveal to the world immersed in the details his cruelty , power and his influence, the truth and the horror of his strong international powers and alliances that led the largest forced displacement campaign known in modern history.
Survivors are barely exhausted bodies touching the shores, facing state authorities that still retain its heat after returning from intensive bombardment campaigns on their lands.
Along the length of the Egyptian border and the width of its territorial waters , «Abdelfattah al-Sisi» put his eyes towards the security of his homeland. He wanted to protect his country from falling.
Sisi’s thinking of the security of his homeland did not stop for a moment. From the position of responsibility he had an awareness of a complex concept of security, in which the state’s ability to secure itself and secure its borders was integrated. With the understanding that its borders and territorial waters could not be a source of imminent danger to neighboring countries.
Sisi adopted a solid conception suitable for the Egypttain state to control the security system in a way able to fill his commitments towards the international community.
Despite the sad feelings captured by the scenes of immigrants drowned or survived. However, Sisi decided to deal with the phenomenon in terms of international law and human rights. Its objectives were as follows:
■ Emphasize the ability of the Egyptian state to impose security in full detail
■ Respect for State sovereignty
■ eliminate the idea that the Egyptian border or its territorial waters are permissible for any reason
■ Put the international community in front of its responsibilities to address the phenomenon caused by military actions or insisting on disrupting the political solutions necessary to restore the stability of countries that have become exporters of illegal immigration convoys
■ Imposing international listening to Egypt’s position from the beginning to re-evaluate the international community’s actions with the region’s crises, which proved to be wrong
Here , On Egypt land , the emigration of displaced persons did not turned to be refugee and did not live in shelters. Egyptian streets were available to them. Those who came to Egypt easily flowed into the Egyptian society, characterized by a special ability to absorb diversity and diversity, they practiced all aspects of life and even absorb the habits of the coming.
180 thousand Syrians are registered in the records of the Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees in Cairo. In Egyot , Iraqis, Yemenis and Libyans live safe.Egypt did not use their case as a trade with the international community. Only proved an amazing ability to give and contain from its particular humanity spanning history.
On the other side, the European neighbor did not stop their operation rooms to face that problem which worries the old continent. The problem is to dismantle the European Union , and weakened Merkel’s government.It also Pushed the British to vote for exit from the European Union. The European Union has pushed for a proposal to strengthen security controls from 2020-2027, based on increased funding for immigration, refugee and border protection programs from 13 billion to 35 billion euros.
European pressures to enact laws restricting entry and exit of migrants across borders. The moves came after Western estimates that 1,500 paratroopers returned to 12 European countries from combat zones in the Middle East. A significant figure linking the return of extremists and illegal immigrants.
On the opposite bank. Southern Mediterranean. Egypt had all the tools of its geographical genius. Controlled and started to use them lawfully and institutionally to protect their territorial waters and extend their control over them and to stop any illegal action that uses the waters as an infiltration port that threatens its security or territorial extensions.
With its available tools, Egypt turned into a safe gatekeeper. Alone , it endured the costs and efforts to stop the cyclone of illegal immigration to Europe. Immigrants voices were heard by the leaders of the European Union and NATO: «The Rewards depend on the kind of deed».»
Egypt did not pretend a state of security or military, but exercised its humanitarian responsibility at full capacity to save the migrants from drowning and save Europe from dumping.
In the high seas, the voices of the Egyptian state were heard and heard, and the waves of treachery that did not please the immigrants were crushed. Egypt alone gave the hands of mercy.
The Egyptian voices reached the European meetings, which no longer have the ability to listen to those who have strongly succeeded in believing in their homeland in imposing the legitimacy of the fait accompli, which was echoed by the voices of European skepticism.
 The Egyptian voices redefined the boundaries of European strategic security in the files with a broad title. The extension of its borders and the depths of its territorial waters. Europe is safe».
The monster of illegal immigration, which destroyed immigrant families and the bodies of their small children and dumped their bodies on the shores of death in full view of the conscience of the world found no one but Egypt tamed by the strength of its law and the determination of its founder.
The monster found itself prostrate in front of Egypt, which turned into a regional center for the re-migration of illegal immigration after its territorial waters were a major center for the emigration of migrants to Europe in the moments of neglect of time in which some believed that it can live safe.
Though Egypt can not control its borders, the world found it able of protecting itself by using keys of security.
Egypt, which was fighting terrorism on behalf of the world, facing illegal immigration in the name of humanity through a system whose procedures are represented in the following:
■ Controlling all border and maritime ports
■ Closing the ports of illegal immigration vessels and confronting brokers
■ Providing job opportunities in Kafr El-Sheikh governorate as the main source of migration by establishing the largest fish farm in the Middle East in the region of Barka Ghalioun as well as the canning and manufacturing of fish
■ Developing a strategy to eliminate organized crime and smuggling of migrants by agreement and coordination with the Assembly of African Commons
Implementation of 140 awareness programs for families and youth to alert them to the dangers of illegal immigration
■ issuance of Law No. 82 of 2016 to combat illegal immigration and smuggling of migrants
■ The establishment of the National Coordinating Committee to Combat Illegal Immigration and Trafficking in Human Beings on 23 January 2017 by the Prime Minister’s Decree No. 192 of 2017
 Depending on Egyptian measures, Frontex agency, announced that the rate of illegal immigration to the European Union in 2017 would fall by 60% from 2016. Europe realized that the Egyptian state’s possession of its tools was the key to the security of Europe.
Egypt never exercised dirty political tools outside of legitimacy in order to prove the legitimacy of its revolution. Rather, it exercised its local and regional responsibilities in recognition of the importance and uniqueness of its geographical position, which confers monopolistic rights indispensable to the discipline of the regional security system.
Egypt’s possession of the two aircraft carriers, Mistral, and the development of its naval fleet were not only a matter of military entertainment, but also of the challenges imposed on the entire region.
 Egypt proved that regional integration was no longer indispensable and could not be part of international relations of complacency.
Along the Egyptian and overseas borders to the shores of Europe, the Egyptian state was present in the corridors of the European Union and in the United Nations to say: «Egypt is a beacon of security, law and sovereignty».